
Datalogic barcode scanner


Datalogic: Just great in every way...

Barcode reader or barcode scanner, handheld terminals, mobile computers, Datalogic Quickscan, Datalogic Powerscan, Datalogic Scanner...


Datalogic is a global technology leader in the automatic data capture and factory automation markets, specializing in the design and manufacture of barcode reader or barcode scanner, handheld terminals, mobile computers, Datalogic Quickscan, Datalogic Powerscan, Datalogic Scanner, sensors for detection, measurement and security, vision systems and laser marking.

Closeness and rapid response to the needs of each client, together with continuous innovation and a high-quality offer, are the distinctive elements at the base of Datalogic success for more than 40 years. Its cutting-edge solutions help increase the efficiency and quality of processes in the Retail, Manufacturing Companies, Transport and Logistics and Health industries, throughout the entire value chain.

With products used in most supermarkets and points of sale, in the main airports and postal services, and in the largest factories and hospitals in the world, Datalogic guarantees its customers a complete offer that covers all market needs and whose technology is the end result of decades of experience.
