Software BioSecuritas PRO 2 Server Active RFID

Availability: In stock
isafe, 120
Special Price €1,680.00 Regular Price €1,695.00

* The information indicated below is generic for all models. Not all references include all the characteristics indicated.

Among the main features of the ACCESS CONTROL AND PRESENCE are.
- Access Control and Presence and sports management fingerprint, proximity card, bar code or ID + Password
employees or users to the reach their jobs just have to place your finger or card on the reader and you will have registered its signing.
the process to follow to sign the output is the same. You must place your finger or card and voila, the employee or user and register your workday.
If the terminal has associated a door or a lathe and the user has access permissions (for the time, date floor area, etc) the
door opens automatically. If the door is bound to introduction of an additional password it will ask you to perform the opening
Likewise if the 'Anti-passback "is enabled not be entered if the system detects as eta within
.. - Managing users and vehicles by Active RFID.
you can control entrance to tunnels, works, staff in hospitals, nursing homes, etc. using this Radio Frequency Active RFID readers and TAGs as key chains, cards or bracelets.
is able to locate users by zones and control its capacity, and by certain tags can control up to the temperature of the person.
BSPRO2 also is prepared to mostras information desks entry in tunnels or installations and LED displays.
a to detect a tag can be configured to close relay as doors or alarms.
the system is fully configurable and may be adaptable
. - user Registration, listings and data modification (up to 10,000 users in the case of fingerprints, if unlimited cards)
has a simple menu where you can perform high of employees 2 minutes. Enclosing data such as name, date of birth,
charge, schedule, department, section, user type, access areas, time, date low, account number, etc.
also Serving database employees or users.
Likewise also has listings used to view or modify data, schedules, etc. .
. - Possibility of creating endless hours of access for employees or users
can literally create a specific schedule for each employee or user, there is no limit. On the schedule include the hours in and out of the conference
work, broil as if they are working or not. BioSecuritas PRO 2 calculates automatically the hours worked over (out of hours) and the hours worked less
(hours that it should be working and did not).
- Labor
System Calendar Calendar Laboral with customizable time slots annual holidays, with the possibility of creating infinite calendars, even one per user if necessary
also offers the option of printing calendars to give to the employee
-.. High of Footprints and users Cards , checking them on your own computer using a Hamster Nitgen and card reader keyboard emulator.
the reader is USB used.
the employee is recorded on your computer, without having to travel to any stay .
- Transfers and incidents in the Device Biomax2
the employee will only have to place your finger or card on the reader to register your entry or exit of work
to register an exit to smoke, the. medical, etc only have press 2 buttons to indicate the incidence and place your finger
-. Transfers and incidents in the Device USB Hamster
The employee will only have to place your finger or card on the reader to register your input or output of the
work. - Transfers listings and access by user or employee between dates, calculation of hours worked, overtime, etc. section
transfer and access personalized searches can be performed per employee between dates, etc.
Aided by listings you can see the hours worked per day, month, etc ... average hours of input, output, overtime and more
. - 9 different types of incidence listings incidents, lost time incidents, etc.
employees lose a lot of time smoking, or going to the doctor, etc. This system is the best way to control exactly how long
lost in each type of incident. Thus being able to get listings of lost time.
- instant information staff currently working or incidence (go to the doctor, etc.)
has two menus where you can view live staff is currently working and that no. By listings you
can view the assistance of your company in real time
can also display employees who are at that point where incidence and type of incident (eg smoking)
-.. Base MySql data, which gives the highest speed of security and possible implementation.
the database runs on MySql BioSecuritas. Conocidísimo database engine. This system is one of the fastest and safe, giving the application and
full potential of data you need instant
-.. Ability to send instant messages can be sent
instant information to the Terminal since this has two display lines
-.. List of Access and History
can display the staff agreed to facilities, time, that door, etc. even if the identification was not successful or if the opening was
manually from the window "Door Control" of BioSecuritas. . Possibility of limiting access times infinite
. - Records last window
Window which will see the last 5 accesses or signings with name and photo of the user
. - Ability to control between 1 and .
15 doors can be controlled from 1 to 15 doors with Biomax2
devices -.. System user and administrator
the administrator can limit the use of the program to "single observer" so the doors open with the footprint, but the user will not be able
interact with door controls
-... System temporary access code
for users to access temporary limited number of passes or days < br> - Modulo integrated management readers / writers KRD13Mv2
Mifare access Control card readers recorders KRD13Mv2
management Mifare rechargeable cards for access to Intalaciones balance, timer management machinery for camping, hotels. etc.
How the module works KRD13Mv2?
. - Automatic online update
Dactilplus All systems are automatically updated online. Each time the application starts, it checks the latest version of the program
on our web server, giving you the option of instalarla.Es the best way to always have the latest enhancements and updates to its
system .. < br> _____________________________________________________________________________
Among the main features of sport management are:
- Identification of access to TPV user + password protected
access to sales area is protected with username and password so that only authorized personnel can access the management area
-. high of customers or users with fingerprint, proximity card, etc from the management zone
has a simple menu where you can make employees high. in 2 minutes. Enclosing data such as name, date of birth,
charge, schedule, department, section, user type, access areas, time, date low, account number, etc.
also Serving database employees or users.
Likewise also has listings used to view or modify data, schedules, etc. .
- Rates Automatic by time slots, discounts, etc.
the option that prices of goods or services from nine rates change automatically depending on the day or such time as is scheduled
so that the seller does not have to be aware of these issues and committed no errors.
- Virtual keyboard for data entry and identification of the seller using magnetic stripe card, bar code or proximity
ready password. tactile environments to work in, so the software has virtual keyboards in areas most commonly used in the management and sale
-.. Intuitive interface sale in the POS interface area
the sale was carefully designed to facilitate the sale even for inexperienced staff
-.. Valid for use with barcode gun
the system you are able to sell reading the barcode items directly
-. Extensive menu of operations the bottom of the POS, so you optimizing the distribution of all articles and features.
common operations within the sales area are represented by buttons at the bottom of the window. The articles also
are divided by groups or families to facilitate distribution
- Annotations box to record all movements of the box, changes, bill payment, etc
To control the fixed balance box (initial changes) cash annotations are used to record the movements, both input
changes such as output, such as paying bills
. - payment System Fractionated to divide automatically drinks in different parts.
for those items or services that are paid between several people (eg court rental) the system will divide the amount between the parties desired
and prints the same number of tickets for each part
-.. system creation and printing of Invoices fully automated and customizable
can design a format Invoices to automatically create them from the sales area
-. Manual search items by Descri . Options soft or manufacturer to facilitate the sale in case of large volumes of articles or references
has a search of items by description or manufacturer can easily recognize
. - Tracks reservation systems, Courts or by sport spaces
menu 'Reservations' can be booked courts or courts
-.. fast and intuitive selection system Pabellos, tennis
If there are services to be charging some clue to the end of the service you can go accumulating tickets parked at a particular track or court
to the end of the list is retrieved and charges
-... System offers Automatic between dates
automatic bidding temporarily allow you to modify the price of an item or service between dates, to reach the final date the system automatically restore the price
. - label printing system (price, date range and from units, barcode, etc. )
If you want to generate labels to place on our sales items, our system has a menu for creating labels with bar code to facilitate the collection
with gun barras- code
- Option PC connection to Table 10.2 "Wifi to take orders and collect remote
for those services charged to distance you can use a tablet pc 10.2 '' with wifi
-.. management System courses or fertilizers containing listings automated to send the bank in case of direct debit payments.
the software offers a course management system or fertilizers can be join them from the area of ​​sale only with the card or . footprint
can also check the status of them from the sales area: each course aimed at people between dates, users who paid the course, no, etc,
Likewise also offers automatic list to print a list of courses or credits to send to the bank, account number, names and amount

-.. temporal coding system
For temporary access users can access limited number of passes or days
. - Automatic allocation system doors and timetables for courses and abornos
-. touch graphical interface for kiosk sales and consulting bonds and tickets.
- reservation system display screen machines for customers.
- Window . Last Records
window in which they can see the last 5 accesses or signings with name and photo of the user
-.. System Design and print user cards including photo
once the card is designed you can automatically print to the conduct discharge, printing the fields you want and photography
- Recommended Operating System.

Valido for 64bit

Sheet Product < br> terminal connections

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